My Fitness Pal

Hello everyone!

How is everyone doing? Did anyone go out for bonfire night? I must apologise in advance for any spelling or grammar errors or anything that just does not make sence! I’m not very well and I’m all dosed up on pain killers šŸ˜¦ hello winter! I hate those ‘winter bugs’!

Anyway, just to start off I thought I would just put a couple of my Halloween pics up as promised!

Halloween 2011

Halloween 2011

(that was my Rapunzel hair extensions which I dip dyed, my Violent Lip tattoo’s and general raawr-nuss) šŸ˜€

So, I thought I would do a different type of review today. I absolutely LOVE this Iphone App! I do believe you can get it on Blackberry and they have a website for you to use…..but I honestly would be lost without this app.

So….what am I raving about? It’s called ‘My Fitness Pal’. So, basically it’s a calorie tracker….but it takes into account your daily activity level, how often you work out and general height/weight/age details to determine your ideal Calorie Intake. It also breaks down how much sugar/fat/protein/carbs you should be consuming.

Anyone new or getting back into fitness, this would be perfect for you as you can also add in your exercise you have done each day which then recalculates how many EXTRA cals you have to eat. Now i find it easier having my heart rate monitor to just add how many calories I’ve burnt…but you can search through the strength/cardio section to find the specific exercise and you just add how many minutes you performed the exercise for and it roughly calculates how many calories you will of burnt.

So….now for some screen-shots šŸ™‚ (I do find them more helpful sometimes than lots of text).

My Fitness Pal Home Screen

Ok, so this is the basic ‘Home Screen’. This shows you how many calories you have as a ‘goal’Ā  How many calories you’ve eaten, how many you’ve burnt through exercise and your net amount….I tend to be over or under….never on the money haha.

My Fitness Pal

When you click the ‘Daily’ header on your home screen you will be taken to this screen, your Nutrient Details. Again, it has your ‘Total consumed’, ‘Goal’ and ‘How many left’. I am always over on my sugar, but because of this breakdown I can see how ‘over’ I am and then I can take steps to reduce it down.

Now all this information is great, but if you want a simple version you can also view your daily breakdown as a ‘Pie Chart’….how fitting right?

My Fitness Pal

I think viewing this breakdown to see where my calories are going, and mostly on what….I personally ignore the advised percentages and attempt to have 50%carbs, then 25% each fat/protein. I was advised that by my personal trainer and I trust her….she’s buff šŸ™‚

My Fitness Pal

Then finally on the breakdown of Calorie percentages you can view your ‘Net Calories’ on a weekly graph chart. I find this useful to see which days I was under/over my goal and it’s helpful to have that info because I then think back to that day and go through to see if I ate Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner and any snacks.

Lastly, the ‘Food Diary’ ….Not the best day I could have put up haha. Not being very well, lets say my choices are less than “healthy”.

My Fitness Pal

Easy to do, you just ‘Add’ food onto each meal time and if you have any snacks. Now I have the new IPhone (Yes,bragging) šŸ˜› I am loving the bar code scanner! I am in the habit of scanning everything I eat because there’s no typing/searching or working out portion size. If it’s not on the system or if it’s fruit then I search it, I have also added a few of my own ‘Wheat Free’ foods I eat that I couldn’t find on the system but I must say, I’ve possibly only added half a dozen if that so I was very impressed with the amount of foods available.

Another nice little extra is you can have friends on you ‘pal’, which you probably can on most of them but I have found when my friends details pop up and they have been to the gym/walked the dogs it does motivate me to get off my backside!

So that’s an App I could not live without! I use that…and Instagram everyday….and twitter..but mainly ‘My Fitness Pal’.

Just a little update too, I’ve been back on the Thermobol about a week now and I can already tell the difference. Will get some pics when I’m feeling a bit better. Not sure if I have a virus/Cold/Flu/Ear Infection or an infection in my jaw so I’m hising in my pjs for a few days…I’m still working, not allowed sick days so I’m not really getting better.

Anyway, if you’re on ‘My Fitness Pal’ add me as a friend šŸ™‚

Take it easy people, and get a multivitamin….You don’t want any of these ‘Winter Bugs’.

Night Everyone xo

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